DIY Performance Series #4: 'Stop, Collaborate and Listen'
I not only use all the brain I have, but all that I can borrow. -Woodrow Wilson When I was a child, there was a My Little Pony animated...
'The Veil Lifts'---Reasons To See Chicago Fringe Opera's The Great God Pan
OH, man, guys…. I am SUPER pumped for this weekend (and not for the usual reasons…)!!! Chicago Fringe Opera opens their world premiere of...
Rockin' The Boat: The "Rocktopia" VS AEA
A performing arts scandal has emerged over the course of this past week, one that centers around a cause that’s near and dear to my own...
DIY Performance Series #3: 'Brother Can You Spare a Dime??'
‘If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way.” --Jane...
Inner Artist Series #1: The Importance of Personal Development
I've been taking a lot of business seminars lately in hopes of improving my overall hustle. A lot of these seminars focus on a word you...